Saturday, December 1, 2018

Do Memory Supplements Work? 10 Supplements to Boost Brain Power

What are memory supplements, you ask? You know that moment when you take that first sip of coffee, and the caffeine begins to pulse through your body and awaken a clearer mind, sparking you into more efficient state of productivity?

Am I Burnt Out? 7 Signs That You Are and How to Bounce Back

Has the possibility of becoming burned out ever came across your radar?
Burn out can happen to any of us. It can happen as a direct result of a toxic work environment or it can creep up on us as we pour all of our energy into doing the work that we love. Either way, when signs of burnout become apparent, they tend to look the same. Furthermore, adjustments must be made to reverse burnout and to prevent it again in the future.

How to Cope with Anxiety and Stress at Work: 5 Psychology Techniques

It can be disheartening to come across yet another self-help article that tells you to go for a walk or take a bath whenever you’re feeling stressed. Stop reading it! You’re probably done with listening to or reading reactionary advice about how to manage what you feel and experience.

How to Improve Your Brain Memory Naturally: Foods to Eat And Skip

Staying focused and maintaining high performance in a hectic work rhythm leads to stress and mental exhaustion. So how to improve brain memory naturally?

How to Help Nausea Go Away Fast with These 5 Fixes

There’s no mistaking nausea when it strikes. Your stomach gets unsettled and queasy. Your throat gets an odd, heavy sensation. You may even get the cold sweats, dizziness and feel like you’re about to vomit. It’s unmistakable and entirely undesirable.

The Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress

Stress: It’s an issue that everyone deals with but not an issue that everyone knows how to cope with. When we’re dealing with massive amounts of pressure, some of us may choose to turn to meditation or a friendly chat while others may opt for a cheeseburger or a drink.

How to Work Under Pressure so You Won’t Burn Yourself Out

The stress to perform above and beyond at work can have unwanted effects if not managed efficiently—especially when working in a high-pressure environment.


“There are three deaths.  The first is when the body ceases to function.  The second is when the body is consigned to the grave.  The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last

How to Rent a Private Jet

Private jet travel is something we often associate exclusively with the astronomically wealthy. And while it’s no one’s idea of a budget- or environmentally-friendly means of travel, flying private can be a (relatively) more attainable mode of transportation than you

Anxiety Coping Mechanisms That Work When You’re Stressed to the Max

In today’s complex and ever changing society, it is almost impossible not to feel anxious and stressed at some point of your life. Stress and anxiety have become a fact of life for us all, and we all have to deal with the negative impact that stress can cause in our lives.